Hector Balderrama

Hector Balderrama

Hometown: La Mesa
Favorite Bike: Road Bike
Sign: Aquarius

What attracted you to Eliel?

I love the fact that I can express myself with all the colorways of the kits and the fabric is always such great material.

What about bikes brings you joy?

The way bikes brings strangers together. I’ve met so many new people who I wouldn’t have met otherwise.

How does riding make you a better person?

Cycling allows me to relax and de-stress.

Which rider inspires you the most?

Nobody in particular.

What are your goals for the future? On and off the bike...

My goal is to keep meeting people through cycling and to put more miles on my bike.

What is important to you?

Balance, in every aspect.

Hector's Story

I started cycling 5 years ago. I was invited by a friend, and from that first ride, I fell in love with it. I started to enjoy the long rides and the clothes that came along with cycling.

A note from the Eliel team: Hector is an Eliel Star in more ways than one! In addition to being one of the most enthusiastic wearers of all of our new designs, Hector is a key part of bringing the rest of the Eliel universe those same designs. He maintains, repairs, and acquires sewing machines for our factory. We think of Hector like the best bike mechanic – he maintains the machines for optimal performance to make our gear The Best of the Best. We’re grateful to Hector for his expertise and support!

Hector Balderrama

Hometown: La Mesa
Favorite Bike: Road Bike
Sign: Aquarius

What attracted you to Eliel?

I love the fact that I can express myself with all the colorways of the kits and the fabric is always such great material.

What about bikes brings you joy?

The way bikes brings strangers together. I’ve met so many new people who I wouldn’t have met otherwise.

How does riding make you a better person?

Cycling allows me to relax and de-stress.

Which rider inspires you the most?

Nobody in particular.

What are your goals for the future? On and off the bike...

My goal is to keep meeting people through cycling and to put more miles on my bike.

What is important to you?

Balance, in every aspect.

Hector's Story

I started cycling 5 years ago. I was invited by a friend, and from that first ride, I fell in love with it. I started to enjoy the long rides and the clothes that came along with cycling.

A note from the Eliel team: Hector is an Eliel Star in more ways than one! In addition to being one of the most enthusiastic wearers of all of our new designs, Hector is a key part of bringing the rest of the Eliel universe those same designs. He maintains, repairs, and acquires sewing machines for our factory. We think of Hector like the best bike mechanic – he maintains the machines for optimal performance to make our gear The Best of the Best. We’re grateful to Hector for his expertise and support!